Whale Breach - Image Courtesy of Baby Zoology

When the Whales Come to Visit…

There’s certainly something incredibly special about seeing the whales returning to our Southern Ocean. If you stay with us from May to November you may be lucky enough to spot a whale breaching along Stanwell Park Beach. Follow us on … Read More

Pure Bliss: The Figure 8 Pool at Burning Palms Royal National Park

Coalcliff Ocean Pool

Coalcliff Ocean Pool

This stunning ocean pool is a 20-minute walk from the front steps of Stanwell Park Beach Cottage to the ocean at Coalcliff.

One of the most photographed beaches in Australia


A local fixture

Our local beach totem pole is a local fixture nowadays. And here, creatively captured by one of our regulars.

A sunrise worth waking up early for…


Welcome to Stanwell Park Beach Cottage! Here we will update you with local news, events and festivals.

The sea talked and talked all the time

D.H Lawrence, Talking of the area

An afternoon at the beach

Stanwell Park Beach really is one of the most beautiful beaches you will ever see. Here’s video proof. Video courtesy of

Iconic Art

John Vander is one of the most popular artists in NSW today.  When asked about his painting he explains, ‘My paintings are sparked by my feeling for the subject. I want others to view my work and catch the same impression … Read More